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About Farm To Door

The original concept for Farm To Door is to establish a central online shopping and delivery business for farm fresh products primarily produced in Kings County and surrounding areas. They would then be delivered to HRM and Kings County consumers focusing on bringing the farm to your door.  Currently many producers in Kings County are raising crops and livestock to provide staples such as vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, dairy, eggs and baked goods so I would have many choices of small and medium producers where the products would originate. They each have their own individual web presence so it would make sense to band them all together onto one central destination website to sell their products. 

We are currently working on two main aspects of the project. One, to create this website for online buying and selling of locally produced foods. Two, to gain feedback from customers and retailers on the benefits and concerns in creating this business. We would love the opportunity to hear from you, either through the online survey to your left or by email